Updated 4/15/2020
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We are working aggressively to update our on-line, stay at home classes.
We will demonstrate how Traditional Shotokan's Karate (Karate-Do) Lessons apply to all things at all times.
We have an incredible global network of instructors we encourage input from you to set up a program to help EVERYONE!
Together we can help.
Please continue to check in as we accelerate our program.
At first it will be a bit crude. But we need to start. Then as we can we will fill in and polish.
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Please email us each day that you've logged in and taken a lesson.
Send us a pic and or video of something you've been working on at home. Just to show, to get feed back.
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Here are links for each individual level.
Keep up your practice.
Use our Videos to Practice at home while on vacation, if you move away or during pandemics.
White Belts |
Yellow Belts |
Orange Belts |
Green Belts |
Blue Belts |
Purple Belts |
Brown Belts |
Black Belts |
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3rd Lesson
Creative Homework
Make a YouTube Playlist
The lesson: Creativity
We have 800 + Youtube videos. Glace through them. Get a sense of the different topical videos. Compose a playlist using our videos.
Can structured like our classes.
Can be your own structured class.
Of a technical nature.
Just the fun and silly videos.
A specific subject like Kata (the Traditional Forms) , Kihon (Basics) or Kumite (Sparing).
Maybe where you see the students grow up over time.
Mix in match to your liking.
Feel free to be creative.
We may choose your playlist to post.
Feel free to make more than one.
The length of the Playlist can be whatever you'd like.
You can have access by clicking on video below and it will lead you to more videos or you can subscribe tour channel.
Compose your playlist and send us the "share code".
Here are some random Playlists
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"Cyber Dojo"
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"Manhattan Beach Traditional Karate for Kids"
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"Karate for Teens"
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" Kids Karate"
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