Updated 11/9//2023
17th Annual
January 2025
January 6th - 11th 6:00am - 7:00am Free - No Charge Open to everyone including the parents. Invite your friends. The class will be catered to you. The hardest part is not the class . . . it's showing up.
Set the goal and accept the challenge. Let us know if you plan to attend.
Traditional Shotokan Karate "Makiwara Training" at sunset.
this is our New Year's Resolutions event. Time to rebuild your mind, body and spirit to carry you through the New Year. If you can't make it during the week then please, please, please make sure to attend Saturday, January 11th 6:00am - 7:00am. It will be the ONLY class of that day.
Meanwhile our friends in Romania Meanwhile in Japan
2025 Our 17th Annual Manhattan Beach Traditional Karate "Special Winter Training"
Kangeiko is a tradition in budo whereby people start the new year by practicing in the early morning cold for a few days. It's wonderful and energizing to start the new year by doing something you love!
January 6th - 11th Monday - Saturday 6:00am - 7:00am Longfellow Studio
* Don't have a Gi? No Problem! - Wear Exercise Type Clothes Bring a Hoodie * Can't make it all six days? do five! Can't make it five days? do four. Can't do four? do three! Can't do three? do two! Cant't do two? do one! Can't make it Monday through Friday due to work then do Saturday. Can't make it this year . . . then please next year! * Not sure till the last minute if you can make it or not? Then just show up! * |
Previous Years
We hope there will be more locations as to allow more to participate. Host a "Special Winter Training" allow more to particapte during the week. Then everyone converge into one or a couple of main locations. Greater participation through greater accesability. Continue to pass on & grow the Tradition.
Special Winter Training Central Dojo 2007 Saturday's Class
Central Dojo "Special Winter Training" Memory
During Winter Training Week, just before one of the Advanced, night class was going to start. There were only a couple of us on the floor. Sensei was standing in the corner near the large front window. He was rubbing his hands warming up, he was loosening up, his hair was not as perfectly combed as it would be in the early morning class. He gave a little yawn and said "nobody show up? what's the point?" He gave the short laugh and smirk/ smile (you know the one).He was referring to that "Winter Special Training was not to replace our regular training with the early morning training. But it was to add to our regular training. I learned how "Special it all was. Imaging he had been to everyone since 1961and taught classes, plus the ones when he was in Japan. Continue to pass on and grow the Tradition.
If you have a story to tell please share.
More to follow. . . .
~ * ~
Monday January 11th, - Sepulveda Studio 6:00 - 7:00am Tom, Eliza, Jordan R. & Curtis - We had a 33.33% increase in attendance over last year. We'll shot for 10 next year (150%). click image to enlarge ~~~~~ Tuesday January 12th - Sepulveda Studio Basic warm up, Sochin (fudo dachi) stance intro, Sochin Kata. Connection & Timing drill.
~~~~~ Wednesday January 13th -Sepulveda Studio Basic warm up, Sochin (fudo dachi) stance intro, Sochin Kata. ~~~~~ Thursday January 14th - Sepulveda Studio Basic warm up, Sochin (fudo dachi) stance intro, Sochin Kata. Connection & Timing drill. ~~~~~ Friday January 15th - Saturday January 16th - TBA
Sepulveda Studio ~~~~~ |
WINTER TRAINING January 2010 Monday - Saturday 6 - 7AM Jan. 11th - 16th Our second annual Winter Training. Last Year in our first year we had 3 people participate (Tom, Jacob & Eliza). Plan to attend this Traditional Karate Event. Help make this a bigger year!
MANHATTAN BEACH KARATE MEMBER PRICE LIST $25 per class or $100 for the full 6 days We have 4 persons signed up so far! Step and be number 5! Plus we'll have 3 part timers. Monday's Class will be at the studio the rest of the week the location to be announced. For the week or a day or two, if you can make please join us. Suprise us and just show up! |
Use this page to keep up to date with the days activites. To see photos and for the location for the next day's Winter Training Class
KARATE ~ SPECIAL WINTER TRAINING ~ 2010 January 11th - 16th 6am to 7am 6/days - mon - sat
Sign up now!
January 11th - 16th
6am to 7am
6/days - mon - sat
First class wiil be at the studio - How many people can you fit in a Volkswagon?
Winter training
has a long history in the
Martial Arts.
A time of re birth & renewal.
A time to get back on track from the diversions of the past year.
Winter training is a time to get back into shape . . . mentally, physically and to strengthen your spirit to carry you through the New Year!
Sign up now!
If you miss this year . . . you'll have to wait till next year!
Beginner beginners welcomed, no experience necessary!
Good old fashioned Karate Training!
Bring a friend & partner up!